IT has changed a lot of lives and the way we live, older people around the age of 50 to 80 struggle with the new technology because of not having the ability of using it when they was younger, but for younger people such as teenagers are used to the new modern technology like TVs and consoles because they where brought up in a technical environment. Older people struggle because they have lived a life of hardly any technology until now so they struggle with the way everything works. Technology has changed from just one push of a button to over hundreds of different techniques of turning on televisions and even just a toaster.
I personally would not be able to live without technology and it is quite hard to not keep away from technology since it is everywhere you go even your latest coffee machine has a hard chip and about a thousand buttons.
Jobs consist of using computers so people live off computers. Computers are the main piece of technology, without computers anything with electrical components will need a computer to set up the way the electrical device works. Computers are used globally in schools, hospitals, businesses and libraries.
Within my college we done a case study of an elderly woman whose husband had recently died and she felt really lonely until she had decided to use technology for her loneliness but she was struggling with the use of modern technology and how she has got used to the way of using them. Over time she had got used to the way technology is used, and finally she was able to message her family and friends, she was able to use a wide range of gaming and her life is a lot sociable and easier.